A Research-Based Path: Why I Apply the Gottman Method to My Counseling

Recently I met one of the rockstars of clinical psychology: Dr. Julie Schartz Gottman of the Gottman Institute. She was the expert in a question-and-answer session that I was lucky enough to attend online. Technically, we were still miles away from each other. But via Zoom, our noses were almost touching.
In my excitement, I nerded out. Meeting Dr. Gottman reminded me of the first concert I went to as a tween–New Kids on the Block. I asked as many questions as I could so she could answer me directly. I was so nervous! I couldn’t help it–I was starstruck.
I’ve been a fan of Dr. Gottman and her husband, Dr. John Gottman, for years. They have helped countless couples and taught thousands of counselors worldwide. Their research has shown that spouses can recognize signs of their marriage’s demise; further, we can apply antidotes to these “fatal flaws.”
Get this: at the Love Lab on the Gottman’s campus, they were able to predict within 94% accuracy whether a couple would divorce.
Drop the mic.
This husband-and-wife pair has provided priceless tools for counselors and their clients. They have provided research-based strategies for combating the problems in marriages.
When we do counseling together, we’ll work within the Gottman framework. We will assess the problems and choose the best treatment. The process is not a shot in the dark–it is an intentional path toward healing.